Skeletal Disorders
Essential Question: What types of disease and deficiencies affect the skeletal system?
How are skeletal disorders identified and corrected?
What can a person do to prevent skeletal system diseases and disorders?
Big Idea: There are diseases and conditions that affect the Skeletal System.
Create an infographic that identifies symptoms, physical effects, rates &demographic information, treatments, and interesting facts about a skeletal disorder or disease.
Incorporate QR Codes to outside sources on your topic (Videos, websites, databases, articles, etc)
Create a Flipgrid video response to other students' infographics (displayed on a gallery walk)
Mass State Science Standards
4. Anatomy and Physiology
Broad Concept: There is a relationship between the organization of cells into tissues, and tissues into organs. The structure and function of organs determine their relationships within body systems of an organism.
Explain how the muscular/skeletal system (skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscle, bones, cartilage, ligaments, tendons) works with other systems.
NSTA Next Generation Science Standards
Develop, revise, and/or use a model based on evidence to illustrate and/or predict the relationships between systems or between components of a system.
In the Explore stage, students explain the normal components and functions of the chosen skeletal system disorder by analyzing models and then in the Explain stage, students discuss ideas, make a video to share with classmates to communicate their understanding of their chosen model as it relates to skeletal system.
Technology Standards:
1.1 Empowered Learner
Students leverage technology to take an active role in choosing, achieving, and demonstrating competency in their learning goals, informed by the learning sciences.
1.3 Knowledge Constructor
1.3.d Students build knowledge by actively exploring real-world issues and problems, developing ideas and theories and pursuing answers and solutions.
1.6 Creative Communicator
Students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate to their goals.
Make a copy of Project Directions
Osgood-Schlatters disease
Arthritis (focus on osteoarthritis)
Joint replacement (hip or knee)
Herniated/ruptured vertebral disc
ACL injury
Bone density and amenorrhea
Bone density during aging
Leukemia (cancer of red blood cells, which are made in spongy bone tissue)
Something of your choice (so long as you check with me first)
From your research, you will create an infographic (on Canva) that illustrates and thoroughly explains detailed information on the disorder. The facts should draw on your knowledge of the skeletal system learned in this unit in addition to new material found through research. There should be specific information using the language of anatomy (names of bones, ligaments, joint types, bone features, etc.)
Issues to include in the presentation
Description of the disorder/procedure: including symptoms and physical effects
Rates of the disorder
Treatment(s) available
Accuracy and anatomical details
Unique or particularly interesting information (fun facts) are always good
You Must include QR codes to: related videos, URLs to sites where you've gotten information, Text Explanations (in your own words)- And you MUST include a QR code linked to your Google Survey.
Create an infographic with QR Codes, showing and explaining all aspects of a skeletal disorder from the list above. You can incorporate text, images, videos, backgrounds, icons and more.
Create a flipgrid to comment on at least two (2) other students' infographics, being sure to state your understanding of all of the components the disorders.
Be sure that the infographics chosen are on DIFFERENT disorders.
QR Code Generator
Create Your QR codes:
Go to: QR Code Generator
Follow the steps below:
How to Create Your QR Codes:
Create Your Form and Link with QR
Creating your Flipgrid Response:
Once everyone has finished their Infographic Posters, they will be hung around the room and you'll do a gallery walk.
You will choose 2 posters to review and explain what they taught you.
Take a photo of the posters you choose to review and use them as a background or an image upload as you discuss each one.
Example of A Canva Infographic:
Your Infographic Rubric: